Fathom Creative along with Michel Heitstuman are hosting an evening with Renato d’Agostin to celebrate the launch of the Washington Photography Project. Renato is a renowned black and white photographic artist best known for his images of iconic cities such as Venice, Tokyo, New York and Shanghai. From cityscapes in black and white that evoke the past, to movements frozen in action, to surrealist figures, Renato discovers the enchantment and mystery of a city depicting his perception of the space around him and the relationship between the architecture and people. Renato looks forward to showcasing and discussing his unique set of crafted images of Washington D.C. over cocktails at Fathom Gallery. To attend this event please inquire at think@fathomcreative.com. For more information about Renato’s work you can visit his website at www.renatodagostin.com.
Date: April 16, 2014